Saturday, October 30, 2010

Beckett, the Four Month Old

'Tis true...Beckett is 4 months old already!

We don't have his check-up at the pediatrician's office until Nov. 9, so I'll save the other updates till then.

I LOVE when Beckett smiles, he smiles with his whole body!

I LOVE that Beckett is happy most all the time!

I LOVE Beckett's piercing blue eyes and how expressive he is becoming.

I LOVE that Beckett doesn't hate it when his sister does silly things.

I LOVE that Paisley loves Beckett and for now he loves her too! ;)

I LOVE that Beckett likes to eat cereal!

We started this about 2 weeks ago (I know, no cereal until 4 months) because he started waking up about 4 a.m. instead of the usual 6:30 a.m. We are only giving it to him at night, but he absolutely loves it and does so great eating! Ready to increase this after his check-up visit in a couple of weeks.

I LOVE that Beckett things he is such a big boy.

Loving Tigger. He reached out for him during PT on Friday. Friday night we were playing with Tigger again and Beckett thought it would be cool to sit by himself for a few seconds. Daddy's hands are ready to catch! Lay him on his back or belly...content for a few minutes. Sit him up on the couch, in the bumbo seat, on the floor, in a stroller...content much longer! Downfall is that he has NO interest in rolling over. Hmmmm...we're working on it!

PT he doesn't really need it. Our PT, Ellen is fabulous and she thinks Beckett only needs therapy once a month instead of once a week. This once a month visit will be to check in on how he is doing developmentally and to see if we have any concerns. She is really not doing anything with him right now that we aren't already doing at home. Woohoo for developing normally so far!!!!!!!


krousehouse said...

I can't believe he is already 4 months old! Time is flying by so quickly, don't you wish you could freeze things sometimes?!

Colleen said...

Sitting already? That's amazing!

Vesti said...

Davis never had much desire to roll over either! He still doesn't like to, but totally has the ability to do so when he has to to get to his toys. :) And, isn't it a wonderful feeling when they tell you he doesn't need the PT?! I loved hearing those words! Once a month makes me feel better too! :)

He's doing SO great! I LOVE IT!!