Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Ugly 8 Letter Word

 Beckett will be having a shunt revision on Friday morning. We had the MRI today, which went wonderfully. He should have been sedated, but the staff at Kosair Children's hospital is so wonderful, we were able to avoid that. I got him to sleep and was able to go with him to have the test. We laid him down and he was still asleep. Put him in the "tunnel" and still asleep. First VERY loud noise and he was crying and flailing like crazy! The wonderful ladies talked about the different things they could try and finally decided that they would wrap him up tight and one of the nurses would lay on the table with him and hold his paci in. Seriously????? How wonderful!! Got it done and off to Dr. Moriarty's office. Waited for a while. In the room. NP came in to make some awkward chit chat. Took one look at the MRI and said "Okay, I'll be back in a few minutes." She left the report and MRI films up on the computer screen...of course I had most everything figured out by the time Dr. Moriarty came in. The fluid in the ventricles of his brain have significantly increased since the CT done in September. The fluid is actually very similar to the CT from July 9, the day the shunt was placed. Not happy of course, but thankful. To look at Beckett or play with him, you would never know anything was wrong. He shows none of the signs and symptoms I look for every day. 
So we are anxiously awaiting Friday and ready to get this over with. 
Dr. Moriarty~take good care of our baby boy!

Taken today (with my phone hence the blurriness) while waiting for the MRI...sure doesn't look sick and in need of surgery!

Of course, we need your prayers.
-Quick and easy surgery
-Good results and a functioning shunt again
-Only staying one night in the hospital as expected
-Little pain for Beckett
-Back to his normal, happy self in no time!


Terry, Leslie, Noah, Allie, Laynie & Gracie said...

I am so sorry to hear that Meghan! BUT he will do great and everything will be okay! We will definitely be praying for you all!

The Pitmans said...

sending prayers your way!!!!

Lisa O. said...

I am thinking of Beckett and your family and keeping you in my prayers. It's kind of a good thing that we were off today and you can enjoy it with your family and take care of things that I know you need and want to do!! Love to everyone!!

Nicole said...

I hope all goes well! Thinking of you.

Joanna said...

Aww. I'm glad he isn't feeling sick - that' a blessing you didn't have the shock of a vomiting sad baby one morning and end up at the ER for a revision. This will be so much better. And we are praying for you and your family and Mr. B. I bet he'll be smiling like that the day after his revision. :) He's a sweet-heart. Hang in there!

HennHouse said...

You know, the nurse climbed onto the table with Esther-Faith, too! What they won't do to make the kids happy!

Looks like we'll be having revisions on the same day.

We'll be praying for Beckett.

Chris and Melissa said...

Aww, we hated to hear that precious, little Beckett has to go back to surgery. We've been saying all kinds of prayers for you all today and will keep it coming! Lots of love to all of you!

krousehouse said...

The dreaded revision! I am so sorry you are facing this, and especially that Beckett is. Praying that it goes well today, and his recovery is swift and uneventflu.