In the world of Spina Bifida we are considered lucky. I know this and I am aware of it every day.
I have been aware of it since
this day when we saw his toes wiggling on ultrasound.
We were ALL aware of it after he arrived.
I am aware of it when I read a blog post from a fellow SB momma and friend. I feel guilty posting our joys when so many of those friends are experiencing heartache and SO many uncertainties.
We've had our share of scares too. Like the shunt revision.
I am aware of it as Beckett meets milestones and does things a diagnosis of SB says that he may not.
Kicking those legs!
Sitting up right at 6 months.
Standing. I mean it is pretty amazing. Jumping in the Exersaucer too!
I am aware of it when we feed Beckett whatever (even if he doesn't love all of it) and so thankful for all bowel and bladder function that he seems to have at this point.
I am aware of it when we have a check-up and when asked if I have any concerns, I get to say NO.
I am also aware of where we could be. I would be okay with that too. If we were looking into equipment to help Beckett stand and then be mobile, that is what we would do.
I am aware of it every. single. day.