Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I am...

As I woke up this morning, I felt oddly calm and at peace. 
I am very ready for tomorrow to finally be here.
I am not worried about the c-section (okay, maybe just a little nervous about the spinal). 
I am worried about Paisley, and her crazy schedule for the next couple of weeks. She is such a big girl and is soooo ready to spend time with lots of different family and friends, but I know Rodney and I will miss her terribly.
I am not scared for Beckett during his surgery that will happen on Thursday morning. It is just part of this whole process, and a necessary procedure that he must have. I know he will be in the best hands possible, and for this I am so thankful.
I am sad that we will not be able to all be together as our little family of four until Beckett is released from the hospital.
I am so blessed to feel all the prayers going up every minute of the day.

I am feeling so many emotions, but most of all, I JUST WANT TO MEET OUR LITTLE BOY!!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

2 Days Earlier!

If you didn't already read on Facebook last night...yet another new baby Beckett arrival date has been set for 
June 30 at 12 noon!!!!!!!!!

Apparently Dr. Chariker (plastic surgeon) will be out of town on July 2, and he will most definitely need to be present for Beckett's surgery. His closure surgery has actually already been scheduled for the following morning, July 1 at 8:30 am. Please mark your calendars, set your phone alarm, or write it on a sticky note...we need as many prayers as possible during that surgery time!

Dr. Moriarty was completely fine with this date change as it will give him 2 more days to monitor Beckett (woo hoo!) before he leaves for vacation as well. We LOVE this too; we want Dr. Moriarty to be watching our little guy very carefully each day.

On a VERY positive and miraculous note, it appears that the fluid, in the ventricles of Beckett's brain, has decreased some since last week. As soon as she started scanning me today I could tell (I have watched the size of those ventricles very closely every ultrasound...and there have been 8 of them). As I have said in my updates after each doctor's visit lately, Dr. P has not been concerned so much with the size of the ventricles, but the good amount of brain tissue he sees surrounding these ventricles. Today, he was EXCITED and immediately said oh my, the fluid has decreased. Yes sir, you are correct!!!!! Prayers are working. That bit of hope and "improvement" was just what we needed to hear as I was worrying about the date change and trying to mentally schedule people to have Paisley for those 2 extra days. STOP. Paisley will be taken care of and I will have everyone scheduled with no problems. LISTEN. A prayer was just answered (hopefully more than one person's prayer). 
Praise God!!!!

After the appointment was over and we found a waiting room at Norton's to make some phone calls and come back to reality a bit, we had to turn in our paperwork (which now has a "super rush" on it) for cord blood banking. My mom and dad did this for Paisley and again are doing it for Beckett. My mom called it LIFE insurance yesterday. Not just a policy with money, but truly could save one of their lives. I am so thankful for this opportunity for my children, yet hope it is never needed and just gets to chill in those freezers for many, many years.

We then went on our own little tour of the NICU area at Kosair and found the area where we think my room will be after delivery. Just to kind of get our bearings again and feel a little more comfortable with the area in between the two places that my family (and me the second they give me permission) will be traveling between numerous times. I think mom and I both felt better once we finally made it back out to the parking garage with no problems and found our way around just fine.
Now that we are less than ONE WEEK from baby day, I am starting to get very anxious. Who knows how many times I woke up last night!! I just am so ready to meet him, get this show on the road, and get our baby boy home. I know our time in the hospital will fly by, as we will be so busy running back and forth, having Paisley in the right places, and hopefully getting a little rest for the post-op Momma. 
I am just READY!!!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

37 Weeks...12 more days!

Dada's Day

We started the morning off with opening Rodney's presents.

Paisley really wanted to just do it all, but she "helped" for the most part.

Daddy got 3 new shirts, a new mailbox (desperately needed), and letters/numbers for it.

Off to church and then lunch at Doe Run Inn in Brandenburg. They have a beautiful area on a little creek that is perfect for some pictures. It was SO HOT, we didn't get nearly as many photos as I would've liked.

Paisley and Pop checking out the water.

Relaxing with her Pop.

My dad with Jordan and I.

Seeing how close Daddy will allow her to get to that water.

Just because it is an adorable picture!

Paisley and Beckett are so lucky to have such a great Daddy.
I can't wait to see Rodney with his little boy. 
What a special bond that is...Father and Son.
Although I don't think there is a little girl who loves 
her Daddy more than Paisley, except maybe ME!

SO BLESSED with wonderful men in our lives!

Neurosurgeon Update

It seems likely, after talking with one of Dr. Moriarty's staff, that he will plan to do Beckett's closure surgery on Friday afternoon as long as he is stable and no concerns are present. I am thankful for this, as I will probably still be pretty out of it and sleepy after just having the c-section around 8am. Dr. Moriarty will be gone on vacation from July 8-19. He requested that the c-section date be moved up to July 2nd, so that he could monitor Beckett's surgery site and hydrocephalus for those first few days before he leaves. However, because Dr. Moriarty plans to use a temporary shunt, which will be inserted in conjunction with the closure surgery, and then likes to monitor the fluid for several days before a decision is made on a permanent shunt, it will be likely that Dr. Moriarty will not be the surgeon to insert it. This makes me a little more than nervous, as of course we want the best. I have been assured by both his office staff and Kim, our connection at Kosair NICU Nurse Practitioner, that Dr. Stevenson, who will be covering for Dr. Moriarty, is just as wonderful. I HOPE SO!!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Pool Girl!

Before Beckett's arrival, we are trying to get in as much time at the "Uhl Pool" as possible. With this heat, and now being the true 9 months pregnant, I really have no desire to be outside unless I am in a private (the sight of me in a swim suit with this giant belly is not the most pleasant sight :) pool.

My mom and I have been to the Uhl's swimming with Paisley several times since school has been out, and poor Rodney has been stuck at work hating every second of hearing me say we are getting ready to go swimming. Last night, Paisley and I went back to the pool for an evening swim with Daddy.

The evening in pictures, with some very strange faces from Paisley. For some reason, I think so that water isn't getting in her mouth, she makes LOTS of very unusual faces, and won't dare look at me for a picture or smile.

I LOVE it! She can not walk up the steps and get out of the pool anyway but like this. I hope she never learns to use that nice rail that is right beside her!!! :)

Sure do love that silly little girl. Have I said that lately!?!?!?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Couldn't Be Happier

4 years ago on this evening I was a newlywed.
Rodney and I had just gotten married and were in the middle of our reception with our family and friends.
We had purchased a home, worked very hard to get it ready, and were excited to actually "live" in it together.
We were ready for a party the next day with our family to open our gifts.
We were SO ready for our honeymoon to Mexico.

This morning I got a pedicure 
(toes have to be looking good for BabyDay).
My mom and I took Paisley swimming for the afternoon.
Paisley and I came home to take a nap.
Rodney got home from work about 6:30 
(time of the wedding 4 years ago). 
We went back to the pool so Paisley could show Daddy
how good of a swimmer she became today.
We grabbed some supper and came back home to eat.
I am typing this, Rodney is watching TV, 
and Paisley is playing with her ABC puzzle.

I love my life. 
I love that I am a wife to Rodney. 
I love that I am Momma to Paisley. 
I love that I am almost Mommy to Beckett. 
I couldn't be happier at this point in my life.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

New "Beckett Arrival Date"

Rodney and I had another good visit today at Dr. P's office.

*We learned that he now weighs approximately 6 pounds 6 ounces.

*The fluid on the brain (hydrocephalus) has not increased dramatically. There is still plenty of "good brain tissue" surrounding the 2 ventricles (measuring at approx. 2.1 cm) of the brain which is the main concern at this point.

*They have moved my date up for the c-section. He will now be born on July 2nd! Apparently there was some conflict in scheduling the July 7th date. Dr. Moriarty is planning to be out of town that day...we for sure want the neurosurgeon present to check on our baby boy after he is born!! I will be calling their office on Thursday, because I am thinking they will go ahead and do the closure surgery that afternoon, since July 2nd is a Friday. I doubt they will schedule a surgery for a Saturday...we shall see.

*I will see Dr. P the next 2 Wednesdays and then BabyDay will be just 2 days away!!!!!

*I now have the task of making sure Paisley is well taken care of during a time when I will be just a little preoccupied. Many of you have shared with me that you are willing to have Paisley for a while during my time in the hospital and then the many, many hours Rodney and I, and our immediate family, will spend at the hospital with Beckett. For that generosity, I am so thankful.

The time until we meet our sweet Beckett is getting closer and closer. The room is almost ready. We have purchased the major items needed. Now to prepare our minds and hearts for all of the emotions we will experience during our time after he is born. If only we could "prepare"...I feel we have done our best. We are just ready to meet him!

Thank you so much for your many thoughts and prayers. Please continue!

Rodney, Meghan, and Paisley

Monday, June 14, 2010

Oh, the imagination of a 2 1/2 year old!

Paisley: So, I go to my new home-uh. I have one mouse, two mouse in my new room.
Me: Where is your new house?
Paisley: My new home-uh is at my school. I call Pop. 
Me: What are you going to tell Pop when you call him?
Paisley: I say me home. I want to pay pay-doh.
   Bye. I yuv you Momma Dada. I goin to my new home-uh.
The same things were then repeated over and over, with many so's added in after every sentence.

Since I started blogging, I have been waiting and waiting to have a post like this. I love how much Paisley has started talking in the last few months. There is hardly anything anymore that she can't tell us she needs, thank goodness! However, she also never. stops. talking! 
We love her so much and ALL of her silliness!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The NAME Announcement

It has officially been decided. This sweet little boy to be born no later than July 7th will be named...

We have spent many hours pondering about what to name this child.
Many baby name books have been purchased.
Many, many, many websites have been searched.

Beckett: Dweller by the brook. Bee cottage. Not my favorite meanings, but I LOVE the name.
Josiah: God will save. Healed and supported by God. Perfect in every way!

Paisley purchased the Leap Frog dog, Scout for Beckett today. She cannot wait to give it to him. Scout can sing him to sleep just like YaYa (Violet) does for her each night. We brought him home and got him programmed with Beckett's name, favorite food (Paisley chose applesauce), animal (dog), color (red...Daddy chose this), and some favorite songs.

We sure do love these little critters!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Little Mommy

These days baby dolls are the greatest thing and are occupying the majority of Paisley's time. 

Wait a minute...whose bottle is that????

The babies HAD to take a nap in baby bruver's room. Of course they had to have paci, Emmy, Lllll, and Bloom, and YaYa to take a nap, just like she does. 

This is for sure her new favorite picture. She wants to see the picture with all her "fwends!"

Big stuff sitting in baby bruver's bed! She is also trying really hard to keep her eyes open and not "cheese" so much for this picture. What a stinker!

My Little "Fwimmin" Girl

We have been swimming 2 days at the Uhl pool this week. Paisley is getting much more brave, but is only happy in any location (raft / kicking and swimming / steps) for about 2 minutes. Let's just say we are not swimming because it is relaxing. Thank goodness it is Nana and I both in the pool with her; at least one of us gets a minute or two "off duty" every once in a while!

Autumn, Christian, and Kylie

On Tuesday we visited with Autumn, Christian, Kylie, and Autumn's mom Rose. Paisley was sooooo looking forward to holding, feeding, and playing with Baby "Kygee", but was much more interested in playing with Christian once we got there.

I did get a couple of pictures...pretty cute!!!

While Rose entertained Paisley and Christian, Autumn and I relaxed (while I held Kylie of course) and just had a chance to talk...very nice!!!!

Wigglin' Piggies

Oh the joys of Dr. P's 3d ultrasound capabilities. Although I do not enjoy all of these doctor's appointments, I do still love, love, love, getting to see our little boy so often! Dr. P appointment on Wednesday afternoon went well, with nothing major to report. 

We were soooooo excited to see his toes, even if they were on his forehead, WIGGLING!!!!!

Movement as low as toes is a very good thing!! His legs were also moving and he had the hiccups. I have never felt that rhythmic feeling before, so I think those were his first, captured on ultrasound! He was doing some "practice breathing" but it was difficult to see because of all the hiccuping going on. The fluid on his brain is increasing, but there is still lots of brain tissue, which is Dr. P's main concern. He didn't dwell at all on the size of the ventricles as he was measuring, but I did a little. When we started this "journey" the ventricles were measuring 1.1cm; this week we were at 2.3cm. That is quite an increase, but it is to be expected as his head is growing also. Dr. P said again that he does think a shunt will be necessary. I am still hopeful that the temporary shunt Dr. Moriarty plans to insert along with the closure surgery will be sufficient, and a permanent shunt will not be needed...we shall see.

I am now scheduled to see Dr. Pietrantoni every Wednesday until delivery day is fully decided upon. Next week at my appointment, they will do measurements and all the details. I am a little scared to find out how large he is; he will for sure be the biggest little one in the NICU!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

New bedding

After a trip to Pottery Barn Kids and quite a bit of cleaning...both kiddos' rooms are ready to go with new bedding. 

Oh I really hope the "cheesing" for every picture stops soon!!!

I'll have some more of the baby's room once we get things on the walls and flooring complete.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

My Big Helper!

As I was doing some things in BabyBoy's room this morning, I had a wonderful helper. ;)

We even tried some of "baby bruver's" clothes on!

And some help washing some new clothes...trying to get ready for this little guy's arrival!!!

And Paisley "read" a few books, or just emptied a shelf of books and threw them on the floor.

I am sure hoping this "big helper" will continue!!!

Whatever Eli does!

We met the Gutknechts for dinner at the Overlook on Memorial Day. Paisley loves "E-i" and insisted on doing everything just like he did. Right down to ordering her drink and meal. I asked her what she wanted to drink. She just smiled and said "ummm, what E-i get?" Oh my!!!!

Thanks Tim, Cheryl, and Eli for a great evening!